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Brain Teaser Friday: Can you deduce which Easter bunny found which coloured egg?

An Easter-related brain teaser was shared a few hours ago on X and may leave you glued to your screen for quite some time. The brain teaser challenges people to determine which bunny found which coloured egg and in what position they finished in the annual Easter egg hunt. Do you think you can solve this one?
“It’s Good Friday, and today’s brain teaser is good and challenging!” wrote journalist Maria Shriver while sharing a brain teaser on X.
She urged people not to ‘rush through’ while solving the puzzle. “Remember, your brain is your greatest asset, so it deserves this time and attention,” she further wrote.
The brain teaser reads, “It was Easter and the annual Easter egg hunt was just finished. Mr Hops, Jumper, Long Ears, and Mrs Littlenose each had to find one of the four coloured eggs (blue, red, green, and yellow), and then cross the finish line. Can you figure out which Easter bunny found which egg, and what place they finished?”
Shriver also shared a few clues with the brain teaser. As per the hints, Hops came in fourth place, and the bunny who finished in second place was unable to locate the green-coloured egg.
Additionally, Mr Hops did not find the blue-coloured egg and the bunny who found the blue egg didn’t finish in the top two spots.
The teaser also reveals that Long Ears found the red-coloured egg.
It also states that Long Ears and Littlenose did not finish in second place, while Jumper was not the first to finish the race.
Based on the above hints, do you think you can correctly solve this brain teaser?

Were you able to solve it? If so, which bunny found which coloured egg?
Earlier, a brain teaser that went viral online asked people to find out a word based on a few hints. The teaser reads, “I am a word that begins with the letter I. If you add the letter A to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I?”
